Sunday, March 30, 2014

Signs That Tell You It Is Time to Move On

Leaving and forgetting the career that you once loved could be one of the most stressful and difficult occasions in your professional life. Leaving something for the unknown could be really scary especially if you have spent the last decade of your life being a part of your company and its culture. Your daily routines and known rituals before you start working such as cleaning your desk or taking your first cup of coffee might be some of the things you will not be able to bring to your new career, and in a snap, forgetting these things can be frightening for even the most experienced employee.

Another thing you need to get used to is making new friends and acquaintances in your new job which simply means saying goodbye to your current colleagues and all the countless times you have shared together inside the office. However, as hard and challenging as it is, some unexpected situations occur that make changing careers a necessity instead of just an impulsive career move. It could be that you are not growing professionally in your current career or you feel the need to try out what else is there in the world for you. In some serious situations, you may be forced to leave your career or job for good in exchange of a healthy emotional and physical well-being.

We need to make difficult decisions in order to be safe or to become better. We need to understand that no matter how hard this decision can be, sometimes, staying is worse than leaving. The challenge here is to know when it is time to render your resignation. Identifying the signs is not easy because some situations enable us to make decisions right away, while there are cases when you need to do your research in order to understand that it really is time to move on.

1. You feel the need to pursue another career -your career goals and objectives might have changed because this was your original plan and completing the years of service in your current career is just the first step.

2. Your life has changed big time - you may have been single before and is married now and raising a family. As much as you love your job, your salary is not enough to sustain your needs and match your lifestyle.

3. Your job is not focused on your strengths - you need to utilize and sharpen your skills, not keep the, locked up in the closet. After all, you owe it to yourself to do something that you love.

4. Your colleagues make you feel uncomfortable -it is different if you have an issue with them over petty things, but if they make the office environment hostile and uncomfortable for you, then move on because you don't deserve this kind of treatment.

5. You don't get along well with your boss- a toxic relationship with your boss won't get you anywhere in your career. Better leave now while the damage has not been made yet.

Changing careers has the capacity to change our entire life. It can make us safe and better or make us worse. You don't need a lifetime to know if your current career is not the right one for you, just be careful and open your mind to the different warnings that your job entails. You need to protect yourself from these situations because you deserve to be happy and successful in life.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Change for the Better

Most people are going to change their careers several times in their life and who are we to judge them for their actions. Whether we admit it or not, if you don't love what you do, you will eventually lose interest in doing the same routine. You might be doing well in your job during the first few years but sooner or later you will find something that interests you more or you will finally give in to your true calling. There could be a number of reasons on why people always find themselves in the middle of keeping their careers or shifting to a new one. If you are facing this career plunge today, relax and take everything one step at a time, just to make sure that what you really need is a career change. In order to achieve a successful and effective career change, use this 10 step plan so that you will be confident that you are doing the right thing. It is hard and challenging to leave your comfort zone for something unknown, however it is even harder to regret, knowing you haven't done anything to reach your career goals.

1. Self-evaluation - identify what you like and dislike about your career. What are your skills, passion, interests, and your values? What motivates you to be better? Take career assessment tests so you will be directed towards the right career path. Take time to discover who you really are and what you really want.

2. Do your homework - after finding out your skills and interests, it is now time to research for careers that will match who you are as an individual.

3. Be ready for big changes - if you are going to make a big career change such as from being a professor to an engineer, then you need to prepare. Look for transferrable skills that you could probably use in your new chosen career.

4. Invest in yourself - learning takes some time so be prepared to take up short courses or undergo trainings to prepare you for a new and bigger career challenge. This will help enhance your skills and will make you develop new ones.

5. Expand your network - meet new people and learn from them. Some of these people might give you some advice about your future career plans or might help you with job applications.

Changing careers is a natural life event that gives you options to chase your dreams and live the life that you are destined to live. These 5 steps will help you achieve a successful and effective career change as well as keep you on the right track when you have made a mistake. If you think this is what you need, then go for it.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Find Employment Abroad in 6 Easy Steps

There are many reasons why some of us choose to live and work abroad. This could be the career move that you haven’t considered before but has the capacity to change your life for the better. It is challenging, refreshing and brings so much adventure that will make you learn more about the world in a professional and social capacity.  If you have plans of leaving your home country in exchange for something you have always dreamed of yet clueless on how to go about with it, don’t worry because you will find the answers below:

1. Choose a country – write down your country of choice and find out as much as you can about important information like the visa type you need to apply for. Research about the country’s culture and living conditions, including the cost of living so that you can apply for a job that will enable you to live a comfortable life.

2. Pay the embassy a visit – you may be able to get most of the answers to your questions if you personally go to the embassy and find out what are the requirements needed to enter your dream country and live there permanently.

3. Get your travel documents ready – now is the time to get your passport and visa because most employers abroad will not consider your application without these documents. You can get the information on how to apply for a visa in the embassy.

4. Prepare – you will be required to get a security clearance that will allow you to go out of the country. The earlier you get this document, the lesser you have to worry. Aside from this, you also need to undergo and pass a physical exam to prove that you will not go abroad to take advantage of their health system.

5. Learn their language – it will be easier for you to migrate if you can speak and understand the country’s language so you will not have a hard time communicating with others especially in emergency cases.

6. Sharpen your skills – before you leave the country, take time to enhance your skills so that you will be able to meet job requirements. It is also best to choose a country that values the skills you already possess. You don’t need to develop new ones; you just need to enhance the current ones.

Living abroad can be challenging because we don’t know if we are willing to give up what we have here for the unknown. However, there are times when we are left with no choice but to leave and the only thing that we can do is to embrace this challenge and be the best person that we can be in other countries.  But if you have plans of achieving your dreams and learn new things, apply and work abroad now.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Live a Life of Adventures Abroad

Finding a job in your home country can sometimes be difficult especially if you are applying for a skilled worker category profession because nobody will give you the chance to start from scratch and ironically, employers are looking for people with experience so they don’t have to train them. In short, there are lesser opportunities for skilled workers to find employment in their own country. This is a very sad reality especially for new graduates who have high hopes for their future.

Nowadays, people have become more confident in finding employment because they know that there is one great option for aspiring applicants, and that is to find work overseas. This could be the solution that most of us are looking for, a chance to make a new start, experience adventures and become successful in our chosen career. There are so many reasons why we should experience living and working abroad, here are the following:

1. Enhance your skills – you can enhance your skills anywhere you want but working abroad will create a big impact in enhancing your skills because you will get the chance to interact with different people from different cultural backgrounds and become a success in your field.

2. Better career opportunities – working in rich countries means that your career options and opportunities are not limited because they have a bigger and wider labor market to be explored. You will have the chance to choose the best one for you according to your skills and interests. It is a great start for someone looking for a place in the world.

3. Experience culture – when you start living abroad, you are put in a position wherein you need to embrace other cultures aside from your own. If you are outgoing and sociable, you will enjoy meeting new people, eat new food, learn new languages and travel to different places.

4. Improve your communication skills – if you weren’t that confident when you left your home country, living in a new one will make you a confident and excellent speaker. It will make you bilingual if you choose to, or if it is needed in your job so you won’t have a hard time communicating with people.

5. A comfortable life –choose a country that has a stable economy before you even consider applying for a job. Countries like Canada can provide excellent benefits to its people and a secure employment that can make them live a comfortable life.

Working abroad has too many advantages that you can’t even refuse any offers of employment. It will allow you to create stories of adventures and travels as well as provide good learning experiences that you can use in the future. So, if you are having a hard time looking for a stable job in your country, start looking for options abroad.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Are You Sure You Want to Change Careers?

They say that your career defines who you are as a person and that could probably be true because even the most successful people still choose to change careers. You can be successful in doing something you don’t love but your body will eventually show signs of dislike and discomfort, leaving you with no other choice but to give in. Your lips may not say it, but your body signals will prove that you need a new career. This should be a career that defines you, something that you love and you are passionate about.

However, before you choose to change you career, make sure that you are doing the right thing because this move will create a big impact in your personal and professional life.  It is hard to undo things so careful planning is needed before making your final decision. Do you think that you have a valid reason to change your career and will it bring you to the path you have always dreamed of?

Being bored out of your wits is probably one of the most common reasons why people change careers every now and then. If you don’t have a natural connection with your job, you’ll eventually get bored with it. Doing the same routine everyday can be a bit boring but notice how time is not an issue to someone who likes what he does, than a person who counts the hours until the end of his shift.  Changing your career because of this reason doesn’t justify your decision because shifting to a different career doesn’t guarantee an end to your boredom. What you need to do is to change your thoughts about how you view your career and just focus on what you love about it, rather than spending the entire day hating it.

It simply shows that you will not be successful if you don’t change your attitude and your outlook in life. Remember that you are in control of your own destiny and you have every right to choose what is best for you. Money may or may not be a valid reason for a career change because it not the only thing that we need in life. But, if you do your best at work, you will eventually have the chance to climb up the executive ladder in your organization and get a higher income.

Although changing careers is challenging, it is important to choose the one that could bring fulfillment into our lives; however it is an undeniable fact that we make wrong decisions because we might be clueless if we are doing the right thing. The right career should be a perfect fit to your personality, lifestyle, values, skills and interests. If it doesn’t fit yet, then move on; find the right one for you.

Monday, March 10, 2014

How to Change Your Career into Something You Love

Changing Careers in order to focus into something that you love and generate tremendous success and reward, may it be financially, spiritually and emotionally proves to be a challenging thing to do. Still, most people do the shift because they say that it is much better to do something that they love than be stuck in a career that they hate without an opportunity to grow as an employee. Sometimes, no matter how much you try to improve your current career situation, it just won’t work anymore and the only honorable thing you can do is give a month’s notice and move on to the next chapter of your life.

Some of us desperately need a Career change yet don’t know the best way to go about it, that is why we have created a 5 step career change process than can help you make the change effectively and will enable you to start building a happy and successful career of your choice. Here are the following:

1. Stop, look and listen – take a few days off to think about who you are as a person, where you are right now and understand yourself more deeply than you do now. Think about what you are willing to compromise such as your values, priorities, standards, lifestyle, just to achieve your career goals.  Most people have a hard time knowing who they really are and they spend their lifetime figuring it out, switching from one career to another, and never settling for anything. Therefore, if you don’t know yourself, you can’t create a successful and fulfilling career.

2. Let go of what’s holding you back – ever wonder why haven’t achieved success in your professional life? That is because there are things and behavior that keep holding you back. They could be the people you surround yourself with everyday, your attitude, your views in life. Find out what that could be and change it. Be accountable for your actions and make things happen.

3. Set realistic goals – your dreams are all valid but you need to be realistic about it. If you envision yourself so far from where you are today, chances are, you might just sabotage your plans because you know it is not possible. Take things one step at a time.  Set short term and long term goals that can be gradually achieved.

4. Commit – if you envision it, explore it and try it on because this is the way to go. If you want to be successful in your chosen career, you need to stay committed, do the work and give your best efforts.

Changing careers can be as hard as choosing your career for the first time because you need to plan it ahead and spend a considerable amount of time to make to choose the best career for you.  These 4 tips will serve as your guidelines in your journey to success.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Career Change at Forties

At 40, some people take a turnaround and begin to look at life in a different perspective. Perhaps they begin to experience what they call a “midlife crisis” wherein their attitude and outlook in life change big time. Some feel that life is too short to get stuck in an unfulfilling job that they have endured for as long as they can remember  and find nothing wrong in changing their careers to find something satisfying and worthy of their time.
If you start to feel that you need a big change in your Career, nobody can stop you because that is your life. However, let me remind you that a career change doesn’t happen overnight in your sleep. This process needs careful and effective planning as well as a considerable amount of time to turn into a success. But don’t you worry because we will help you determine which new career path is the right one for you.

1. Create a list –to find out the things that you are good at; you need to take time or spend a few days evaluating yourself, your skills, your inspiration, and your interests. Write them down including your hobbies and your past experiences that you enjoyed doing, which are not related to your current job. Don’t forget the skills that you are making use at work and those in your free time. If your list of interests overlaps your skills, then we can make out of what career is good for you.

2. Invest in yourself – you need to understand that sometimes you don’t have the most excellent skills to change careers just because you are good at something. Enrolling in classes or short courses will help you enhance your skills and build new and better ones, as well as increase your earning potential in the long run.

3. Offer a helping hand – write down your top 3 career options and look for volunteer opportunities to find out if any of those careers appeal to you. It will also help you narrow your choices down to the top 2 until you choose the best one for you. It is also a good chance to see if your skills are good enough or if you need more time to improve.

4. Expand your network – at this age, there is no denying that you perhaps built good relationships with some people but these people are not the people you can ask about your new career of choice. It is time to meet new people who are in the same field as your career of interest to know more about it and to get an idea of what the jobs are like.

Changing careers doesn’t happen in a snap, and even at your forties, you still need to follow these 4 basic steps to get you ready for this big transition in your life. Just follow your heart and trust your instincts because you only live once, and you have every right to be happy just like everyone else.