Once you have secured the job, you would definitely want to see to it that you are able to keep it. Other than that, you should ensure that advancement is on your list. Aside from the fact that you want to keep your job, you would also want to get a promotion, particularly if you have been good at what you have been doing for a considerable amount of time. With that said, you should try volunteering your services for projects that are not even a part of your job's description. Aside from the fact that you will be able to help your company to move forward, you are also making it possible for yourself to learn new and valuable skills that will come in useful in the future. Your boss or employer will be able to take note of your skills, and will think of you the next time an opening for a higher position comes up. With that said, see to it that you take more initiative, because this will eventually reward you.
In addition to that, you should ensure that you take time to help your boss accomplish the goals he has set for the company. Doing so will help your employer obtain the recognition he deserves. Do what you can, in order to help him or her. Don't think that you come off as a suck-up when you are assisting your employer, because if you take a look at the bigger picture, you are actually helping the company gain recognition, therefore acquiring more clients at the same time. When you are able to turn all of these into practice, that promotion will be within your sights before you know it.
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