Wednesday, September 30, 2015

How to Customize Your Resume for Particular Employment Canada

When it comes to applying for a job, the worst thing you can do is send out the same generic resume to each and every employer. You have to understand that different jobs or roles require different experience and skills. In short, what is important for one job may not necessarily be valuable for another. Thus, it is important that you tailor your resume to make sure that it highlights the most important information relevant to the job you are applying for.

You shouldn’t think, however, that you have to write a new resume from scratch every time you apply for a job. You need a basic resume that serves as an outline, and just make the necessary changes according to the particular requirements of a job.

Below are some tips on how to do this:

#1 – Create a core resume
First of all, you need to have a basic outline for your resume. This should include all your skills and experience from you career. Break this information down into categories, specifically education, work history, skills, training, and so on. 

#2 – Go through the job description thoroughly
Make sure you read the job description a couple of times until you are sure you understand what is required for the job. Once you are certain what the employer is looking for in a job applicant, start tailoring your resume to emphasize the qualities they are looking for.

#3 – Come up with a list of your accomplishments and relevant experience
As you are reading the job description, create a list of all your relevant qualities, which should match with all the requirements asked for by the employer. For every point they ask for, link it to your own experience or achievements. Remember that your experience does not have to come from your previous jobs only. Mention also the skills you have acquired through volunteering, travelling, and so on.

#4 – Use the right keywords
It is common for organizations nowadays to screen resumes and application letters using a particular software program that detects keywords in a document. If you want your resume to land in the hands of the hiring manager and not discarded by the computer, be sure to use the correct keywords and key phrases all throughout your document. You should be able to identify the keywords in the job description so you can have an idea what to include in your resume.

#5 – Write your tailored resume
After identifying your skills and experience that are most relevant to the job you are applying for, you can now start creating your customized resume. Once you are done, be sure to check it a couple of times for errors or typos. Now you can be confident that your resume could land you good employment Canada.