Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Important Signs That Changing Careers Should Not Be in Your Plans

Great jobs are not so easy to find. Every job has its own drawbacks, and we all know it, but how are you supposed to know if you already have a great one? Here are some signs that your current job is a great one:

You're relaxed and happy on Sunday evenings and Monday mornings.

Many people hate Sunday evenings because in just a few hours, they will have to go back to the daily grind of thier work week. If you're not one of them, then it's likely that you have a good and satisfyng job. Being able to smile and feel happy when thinking about going to work is a good sign, and it means that you are very lucky to have a job that makes you happy.

You have enough time for your personal life.

If you're able to pick your kids up from school, or if you can have regular dates with your partner, it means that your job allows you to enjoy some kind of flexibility, which many people are not lucky to have. Flexibility is such an important aspect of one's career that many are actually willing to take a pay cut to have it.

Your know that your boss appreciates you.

If you feel appreciated and valued by your boss and your organization, there's really no reason for you to be unhappy with your job. According to surveys, one of the main reasons workers leave their jobs is that they don't feel valued at work. If you feel like your efforts are greatly valued in the workplace, you have every reason to do your best every single day to be better at your job.

You enjoy your coworkers' company.

Your relationship with your coworkers plays a very important role in how satisfied you will be in your job and career. When you are able to build positive working relationships with your colleagues, every minute at work will be fun and less stressful. It can also give you motivation to go to work everyday. On the contrary, you'll know that you have a bad job if you hate every second that you spend with the other people at work.

You have a clear career path.

A good job is one that allows you to imagine yourself doing it for a very long time. Do you see yourself working for the same company several years from now? Can you imagine yourself holding an important position in the company? Perhaps one of the reasons why you love your current job is the fact that it is promising. It means that it offers career advancement, which is something that not all organizations offer. You surely have a great job if changing careers has never crossed your mind.